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    On the One and on the Other Side of National Borders — Intergroup Contacts and Xenophile Attitudes - In modern societies accelerated processes of globalisation and transnationalisation continuously extend the areas of contacts between people of different origins. From Allport's contact theory we know that under certain conditions such intergroup contacts may entail a reduction of prejudices and negative attitudes towards foreigners. Yet, up to now this link has mainly been researched for those contacts which take place within a given country and in relation to ethnic minorities. In the recent years, border-crossing contacts between people of different citizenships have also increased, however. Based on a representative survey, we explore to what extent different forms of cross-border mobility and the existence of private relationships between German citizens and people living in other countries affect attitudes towards foreigners. In addition, we compare the impact of these transnational contacts with the impact of those taking place within Germany alone. Our analysis reveals that with the exception of intergroup contacts at the working place all forms of intergroup contacts have a positive influence on the attitudes in question. Especially the existence of private intergroup contacts within the country proves a comparatively strong predictor of positive attitudes towards foreigners. Key words: Intergroup contact, attitudes, foreigners, transnationalism, survey
    von: Mau, Steffen
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