Systematic study of charged-pion and kaon femtoscopy in Au plus Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV

We present a systematic study of charged-pion and kaon interferometry in Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. The kaon mean source radii are found to be larger than pion radii in the outward and longitudinal directions for the same transverse mass; this difference increases for more central c...
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Adare, A [verfasserIn]

Afanasiev, S

Aidala, C

Ajitanand, N. N

Akiba, Y

Al-Bataineh, H

Alexander, J

Alfred, M

Aoki, K

Apadula, N

Aramaki, Y

Asano, H

Atomssa, E. T

Averbeck, R

Awes, T. C

Azmoun, B

Babintsev, V

Bai, M

Baksay, G

Baksay, L

Bandara, N. S

Bannier, B

Barish, K. N

Bassalleck, B

Basye, A. T

Bathe, S

Baublis, V

Baumann, C

Bazilevsky, A

Beaumier, M

Beckman, S

Belikov, S

Belmont, R

Bennett, R

Berdnikov, A

Berdnikov, Y

Bickley, A. A

Blau, D. S

Bok, J. S

Boyle, K

Brooks, M. L

Bryslawskyj, J

Buesching, H

Bumazhnov, V

Bunce, G

Butsyk, S

Camacho, C. M

Campbell, S

Chen, C. -H

Chi, C. Y

Chiu, M

Choi, I. J

Choi, J. B

Choudhury, R. K

Christiansen, Peter

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Chung, P

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Cianciolo, V

Citron, Z

Cole, B. A

Connors, M

Constantin, P

Csanad, M

Csoergo, T

Dahms, T

Dairaku, S

Danchev, I

Danley, D

Das, K

Datta, A

Daugherity, M. S

David, G

DeBlasio, K

Dehmelt, K

Denisov, A

Deshpande, A

Desmond, E. J

Dietzsch, O

Dion, A

Diss, P. B

Do, J. H

Donadelli, M

Drapier, O

Drees, A

Drees, K. A

Durham, J. M

Durum, A

Dutta, D

Edwards, S

Efremenko, Y. V

Ellinghaus, F

Engelmore, T

Enokizono, A

En'yo, H

Esumi, S

Fadem, B

Feege, N

Fields, D. E

Finger, M









Übergeordnetes Werk:

Enthalten in: Physical review / C - Woodbury, NY : Inst., 1970, 92(2015), 3

Übergeordnetes Werk:

volume:92 ; year:2015 ; number:3


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